I can’t believe I have been publishing these newsletters 3 ½ years without missing a month. However, due to our move in August, this is a 2-month newsletter for July and August. In September, you will be hearing from me from Port Ludlow, Washington.
My first recipe for this month is Veal with Mushrooms, Onions and Wine Sauce. For this recipe, it is a good idea to have a meat tenderizer or meat hammer. Over the years, I have been tenderizing all types of meat. It is a fun way to-destress. But back to why I like this recipe. It is tender, the sauce is full of flavor, and it pairs well with any salad or vegetable you like. I realize that not everyone is a fan of veal, so I recommend slicing chicken breasts in half lengthwise as a substitute and be sure to tenderize.
My second recipe is one that I have already published. It is perfect for summer when all sorts of vegetables are fresh coming from the farms. The recipe is Gazpacho. This is a cold, tomato-based soup that originated from Spain. My backstory with the recipe will give you a better idea of the history and why this soup is so refreshing, especially in summertime.
I hope you continue to enjoy your summer. I will be back with you in September, from the West Coast
From my table to yours,
Your Galley Guide