As we all know, there are so many good recipes for chili. The televised Chili Cookoffs back that up. On the 27th of January 2020, I published Tom’s 3-Bean and Turkey Chili. It is one of my favorites, but I also like it with some cornbread. So, this month I am featuring Sour Cream Cornbread Muffins. Whenever I order cornbread, I also ask for butter because I am not sure if it will be too dry. The sour cream in this recipe is the ticket to being moist. There are many good recipes for making cornbread from scratch. But because there are also so many good box mixes, I opted to share that with you this month. That is also what I do when I bake aboard my boat.
Wishing you a beautiful spring!
From my table to yours,
Your Galley Guide