Jill's Blog

Making a Deliciously Corny Comeback with Chili’s New Best Friend!

Making a Deliciously Corny Comeback with Chili’s New Best Friend! 656 665 Cooking Aboard with Jill

As we all know, there are so many good recipes for chili.  The televised Chili Cookoffs back that up.  On the 27th of January 2020,…

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A Knee for Chowder & Clam’oring for the Beach

A Knee for Chowder & Clam’oring for the Beach 1024 786 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This is another two-month newsletter.  In a week, I will be having knee replacement surgery.  Dave and I have everything lined up medically.  Based on…

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T’is the Season for Soup & Squamish

T’is the Season for Soup & Squamish 924 1024 Cooking Aboard with Jill

In June of 2022, I published Easy Tortellini Mushroom Sausage Soup.  Recently I made the same soup but with chicken and mozzarella tortellini.  Instead of…

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Giving Thanks for Seven Years of Cooking Aboard!

Giving Thanks for Seven Years of Cooking Aboard! 1024 723 Cooking Aboard with Jill

It is hard to believe that my food blog is now seven years old.  The first recipe I published was Clam Dip in October 2017. …

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Cookin’ & Cruisin’ while Kicken’ with Chicken!

Cookin’ & Cruisin’ while Kicken’ with Chicken! 1024 534 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This is a two-month combined newsletter as Dave and I have been away from home quite a bit cruising on Le Conge’.  However, I have…

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Testing the Waters as we Noodle Toward Summer’s End!

Testing the Waters as we Noodle Toward Summer’s End! 1024 768 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This month’s recipe is called Stanley’s Chinese Cold Noodle Salad.  The history is in the backstory of the recipe.  This dish is easy, colorful, crunchy…

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We’ve Got the Chops for Camp-cravers and Galley-goers Alike!

We’ve Got the Chops for Camp-cravers and Galley-goers Alike! 828 655 Cooking Aboard with Jill

Have you heard of Steak Diane?  It is delicious and I have now made it twice for Dave.  You can also substitute your protein.  I…

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Baking Up a Sweet Start to a Summer on the Go!

Baking Up a Sweet Start to a Summer on the Go! 1024 587 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This month I am featuring Mom’s Breakfast Cookies.  The backstory is in the recipe.  These are wonderful for a quick and healthy breakfast or anytime…

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The Popover Redux: Rolling Back Batter than Ever!

The Popover Redux: Rolling Back Batter than Ever! 674 782 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This month I have revised one of my previously published recipes.  It is Easy and Perfect Popovers.  I recently made the first recipe and found…

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Sailing in Spirit on Stuffed Boats of Zucchini!

Sailing in Spirit on Stuffed Boats of Zucchini! 1024 768 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This month I am featuring a northern Italian dish.  I have been making this side dish for decades, as my old worn-down cookbook reminds me…

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I’m Taking My Sandwich Recipe to the Max!

I’m Taking My Sandwich Recipe to the Max! 1024 668 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This month I am featuring a German recipe for an open-faced sandwich called Strammer Max.  The backstory is in the recipe and explains the origins. …

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There’s Nothing Half-Baked About These Potatoes!

There’s Nothing Half-Baked About These Potatoes! 918 653 Cooking Aboard with Jill

This month I am featuring Twice-Baked Potatoes.  This is a crowd pleaser as they end up being tasty, mashed potatoes with a crunchy skin.  They…

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Stroganoff the New Year Correctly with a Ukrainian Favorite!

Stroganoff the New Year Correctly with a Ukrainian Favorite! 1024 785 Cooking Aboard with Jill

In my January 2023 Newsletter I wrote about our visit to the Bavarian styled town of Leavenworth here in Washington State.  I guess this has…

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Hamming it Up for Christmas with a Hawaiian Mac-twist!

Hamming it Up for Christmas with a Hawaiian Mac-twist! 1024 928 Cooking Aboard with Jill

My new recipe is Hawaiian Macaroni Salad.  This is a dish I have been wanting to publish for some time.  You may be wondering why…

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A Time to Be Full of Thanks & Food: A Mashup of My Family’s Best Dishes!

A Time to Be Full of Thanks & Food: A Mashup of My Family’s Best Dishes! 1024 603 Cooking Aboard with Jill

Next week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving.  That thought alone makes me hungry.  I recently watched a program where a woman made an elaborate thanksgiving…

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Orange You Glad I Made this Salad!?

Orange You Glad I Made this Salad!? 1024 834 Cooking Aboard with Jill

My mother had a favorite go to dinner party menu for guests that came to our house.  In my May and September newsletters, you read…

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The Steaks Have Never Been Higher!

The Steaks Have Never Been Higher! 1024 602 Cooking Aboard with Jill

I just returned from visiting friends and family in Germany and Denmark.  My header photo is from Judith’s town of Viernheim, Germany.  We had dinner…

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Pastry-Tucked Piggies with Their Favorite Sauce & Bedtime Story!

Pastry-Tucked Piggies with Their Favorite Sauce & Bedtime Story! 1024 768 Cooking Aboard with Jill

Recently Dave and I explored more of the Olympic Peninsula where we live here in Washington State.  We stayed in one of the historic hotels…

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